Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Hypnosis - The Simple Truth Revealed

Alan B. Densky
THE DEFINITION OF HYPNOSIS Hypnosis is a state of hyper-suggestibility where the conscious and subconscious (unconscious) minds dissociate. It is a state of mind where the subject is more likely to accept the operator's suggestions.

You have been in hypnosis many times without even realizing it. If you have ever watched a sad T.V. show and reacted with a tear in your eye, you have been hypnotized by the television. You entered a state of increased suggestibility where you uncritically accepted the suggestion of sadness on the TV screen and reacted with a sad emotion, your tear. In other words your reasoning ability, which is contained in your conscious mind, was bypassed. You did not reason that the show was just a play; you accepted the action as being real. So you reacted with real emotion.

WHO CAN BE HYPNOTIZED? It has been found that all normal people are hypnotizable to a greater or lesser extent. People with less than a 70 I.Q., those of the moron level or lower, generally are not hypnotizable. People who are in an active state of psychosis generally are not hypnotizable. Most senile people are difficult or impossible to hypnotize. I have found in my own private practice dealing with a large number of retired people as old as 85 years of age, that hypnosis is a potent and beneficial method for most people. The person's motivation is the key to success.

Article Source:
Hypnosis - The Simple Truth Revealed

NLP na Mazurach

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