Saturday, July 28, 2007

An Angel Inspired

By Kate McCartney
A fellow NLP Master Practitioner, mentored by Sue Knight, Molly founded the Global Angels Foundation, an innovative international children and young people’s charity championing the needs of children in the UK and around the world.

Global Angels have a bold belief that they can turn things around. Molly says “Governments and their policies make some impact, but it’s only when the public at large become involved, that social justice and change can spread across a nation and eventually the world. It’s time for us to rise to the challenge and respond with new creative and innovative solutions to make the world a safer and kinder place for the children.”

Molly explains “Through my philanthropic work, I have met thousands of highly skilled and totally passionate charity workers who are outstanding in their dedication to making a difference in the lives of children in great need. I have had the privilege of observing and supporting many excellent and innovative projects. We have a wonderful opportunity to support them in their initiatives.”
Article Source:
An Angel Inspired

NLP na Mazurach

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